Possible Causes of Groin and Leg Pain

By :Vinnie Reynolds

There are many factors that can contribute to groin and leg pain. This is one of the more common ailments that make people visit their doctors. Groin, back, and leg pain are experienced because of fatigue, overuse, strain, or other physical injuries. There are 5 groin muscles located in the area that joins the abdomen and the thigh or leg muscles. Any muscle pull or strain in this area can cause groin and leg pain. You might feel pain when you walk or when you sit down. In some serious cases, any movement of the hip or leg can cause severe pain.

Possible Causes

• Strains - These are tears or ruptures of any muscle in the affected area. In the case of groin and leg muscle strains, causes may include fast, abrupt movements such as changing direction while running or moving against another force like a ball kick. Overuse can also lead to muscle strain and result in pain.

• Physical Injury - A blow directed to the leg or groin area can cause injury. Other physical injuries like falling or tripping causes your leg to be in an irregular position and can cause pain. If you put additional stress on the injured leg or groin, you may experience swelling, too.

• Disease - Hernia can cause groin pain because of the bumps that constantly touch the abdominal wall. Spasmodic leg pain or sciatica is another cause. You get this by overusing or putting pressure on the nerve that goes along the length of the leg.

• Inflammation - When the pelvic bone has an inflammation or develops osteitis pubis, this can result in pain on the area.

• Others - Tumors, kidney stones, nerve inflammation, and round ligaments can cause leg and groin pain, too. Doctors should be consulted in these cases.

Treatment of the pain is usually dependent on its cause. Possible treatments can include rest, compression, elevation, and icing of the affected area. These can be applied for strains, swelling, and minor injuries. Anti-inflammatory medication can also help. Physical therapy or exercises with low intensity can further assist the patient in preventing more injuries.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Possible-Causes-of-Groin-and-Leg-Pain&id=4881618] Possible Causes of Groin and Leg Pain